2013 Updates

Code implementation and improvements in its application in the 2013 version

The 2013 CYPE program version incorporates the following design codes and application improvements.

Code implementation

Concrete code

  • ABNT NBR 6118:2007 (Brazil)
    Norma Brasileira ABNT NBR 6118 (2007). Projeto de estruturas de concreto – Procedimento.

    Implemented in Continuous beams (as of the 2013.a version). The program only checks the reinforcement provided by the user for this code. The design of the reinforced concrete sections in accordance with NBR 6118:2007 will be available in upcoming versions.

    This code was already implemented (for design and check of elements) in other CYPE programs.

  • ACI 318M-08 (USA)
    Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete

    Implemented in Continuous beams (as of the 2013.a version). This code was already implemented in other CYPE programs.

  • CIRSOC 201-2005 (Argentina)
    Reglamento Argentino de Estructuras de Hormigón CIRSOC 201 (Julio 2005).

    Implemented in Continuous beams (as of the 2013.a version). This code was already implemented in other CYPE programs.

  • Eurocode 2 (EU, France and Portugal)

    Eurocode 2 (EU)
    Design of concrete structures. EN 1992-1-1:2004/AC 2008.

    Eurocode 2 (France)
    Calcul des structures en béton. NF EN 1992-1-1:2005/NA: Mars 2007.

    Eurocode 2 (Portugal)
    Projecto de estruturas de betão. NP EN 1992-1-1:2010/NA.

    Implemented in Box culverts (as of the 2013.a version). This code was already implemented in other CYPE programs since previous versions.

  • IS 456: 2000 (India)
    Indian Standard. Plain and reinforced concrete code of practice (Fourth Revision).

    Implemented in Continuous beams (as of the 2013.a version). This code was already implemented in other CYPE programs.

  • NCh 430.Of2008 (Chile)
    Norma Chilena official NCh430.Of2008 (Based on ACI 318-05).

    Implemented in Continuous beams (as of the 2013.a version). This code was already implemented in other CYPE programs.

  • NTC: 14-01-2008 (Italy)
    Norme tecniche per le construzioni.

    Implemented in Box culverts (as of the 2013.a version). This code was already implemented in other CYPE programs since previous versions.

  • NTE E.060:2090 (Peru)
    Reglamento Nacional de Edificaciones. Norma E.060 Concreto Armado (2009).

    Implemented in Continuous beams (as of the 2013.a version). This code was already implemented in other CYPE programs.

Rolled and welded steel code

  • ABNT NBR 8800:2008 (Brazil)
    Norma Brasileira ABNT NBR 8800 (2008). Projeto e execução de estruturas de aço e de estruturas mistas aço-concreto de edificios - Procedimento.

    Implemented in Continuous beams (as of the 2013.a version). This code was already implemented in other CYPE programs.
  • IS 800: 2007 (India)
    Indian Standard. General construction in steel – Code of practice (Third Revision).

    Implemented in Continuous beams (as of the 2013.a version). This code was already implemented in other CYPE programs.
  • NTC: 14-01-2008 (Italy)
    Norme tecniche per le construzioni.

    Implemented in Continuous beams (as of the 2013.a version). This code was already implemented in other CYPE programs.

Cold-formed steel code

  • ABNT NBR 14762:2010 (Brazil)
    Norma Brasileira ABNT NBR 14762 (2010). Dimensionamento de estruturas de aço constituídas por perfis formados a frio – Procedimento.

    Implemented in Continuous beams (as of the 2013.a version). This code was already implemented in other CYPE programs.
  • NTC: 14-01-2008 (Italy)
    Norme tecniche per le construzioni.

    Implemented in Continuous beams (as of the 2013.a version). This code was already implemented in other CYPE programs.

Code regarding loads on structures. Wind loads

  • BS 6399-2:1997 (United Kingdom)
    British Standard. Loading for buildings. Part 2: Code of practice for wind loads.

    Implemented in CYPECAD (as of the 2013.a version).
  • Eurocode 1 (Singapore)
    Eurocode 1: Actions on structures – Part 1-4: General actions – Wind actions. SS EN 1991-1-4:2005 /NA:2009.

    Implemented in CYPECAD (as of the 2013.a version).
  • NEC – 11 (Ecuador)
    Norma ecuatoriana de la construcción.

    Implemented in CYPECAD (as of the 2013.a version).
  • RSAEEP (China – Macau)
    Regulamento de Segurança e Acções em Estruturas de Edificios e Pontes. Decreto – Lei n.º 56/96/M, Boletim Oficial n.º: 38/1996 Capítulo III – Acção de vento.

    Implemented in CYPECAD (as of the 2013.a version).

Code regarding loads on structures. Seismic loads

  • CSCR 2010 (Costa Rica)
    Código Sísmico de Costa Rica 2010.

    Implemented in CYPECAD and Metal 3D (as of the 2013.a version). CYPECAD allows for this code to be used for a dynamic analysis (modal spectral) or static analysis (equivalent lateral force). The dynamic analysis in CYPECAD includes the base shear check.

Improvements in code application

Rolled, welded and cold-formed steel code

  • EAE (Spain)
    Instrucción de Acero Estructural

    This code was already implemented in CYPE programs as of the 2012.c version. The 2013.a version includes the corrections of the errors of the EAE, published in the Boletín Official del Estado number 150, of the 23rd June 2012, which affects the design carried out by CYPE programs.

Code regarding loads on structures. Seismic loads

  • Static analysis and correction due to base shear of the design codes of Morocco, Mexico and Costa Rica (as of the 2013.a version).

    • CFE 2008 (Mexico): Manual de Diseño de Obras Civiles. Diseño por Sismo.

    • NTC-2004 (Mexico): Normas Técnicas Complementarias para Diseño por Sismo..

    • CSCR 2010 (Costa Rica): Código Sísmico de Costa Rica 2010.

    • RPS 2000 (Morocco): Règlement de Construction Parasismique (It was already implemented for RPS 2011 in the 2012.m version)

    These codes were already implemented as of previous versions for CYPECAD and Metal 3D with the dynamic analysis method (modal spectral) which proposes each of them (except CSCR 2010 of Costa Rica which has been implemented in the 2013.a version).

    The 2013.a version of CYPECAD includes for these codes:

    • A static analysis method (equivalent lateral force)
      The analysis method (static or dynamic) is carried out using the Analysis method option within the dialogue box where seismic loading is defined.
    • Correction due to base shear
      This correction is applied to seismic design using the dynamic analysis method (modal spectral).

  • Correction due to base shear for the Chilean code (as of the 2013.a version)

    • NCh433.Of1996 Mod.2009 (Dºnº61. De 2011) (Chile): Norma Chilena Oficial. Diseño Sísmico de Edificios. Includes modifications of the Decreto nº 61 (V. and U.) of 2011.

    This code was already implemented as of previous versions for CYPECAD and Metal 3D with the dynamic analysis method (modal spectral) it proposes.

    The 2013.a version of CYPECAD includes the correction due to base shear for this code.

  • Static analysis for Eurocode 8 (EU) and Eurocode 8 (Belgium) (as of the 2013.a version)

    • Eurocode 8 (EU): Design of structures for earthquake resistance
      EN 1998-1. Part 1: General rules, seismic action and rules for buildings.

    • Eurocode 8 (Belgium): Conception et dimensionnement des structures pour la résistance au séisme.
      NBN-ENV 1998-1-1: 2002 NAD-E/N/F. Partie 1-1: Règles generals. Actions sismiques et exigencies generals pour les structures.

    This code was already implemented as of previous versions for CYPECAD  and Metal 3D with the dynamic analysis method (modal spectral) it proposes.

    The 2013.a version of CYPECAD includes for these codes: A static analysis method (equivalent lateral force) for these codes. The analysis method (static or dynamic) is chosen using the Analysis method option within the dialogue box where seismic loading is defined.

More new features

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